Monday 17 February 2014

What is Varied Tension?

Varied Tension (VT) is simply pulling the string in the same racket at different tensions.

Commonly used in hybrids, the mains or crosses could be strung a few pounds different from each other to improve spin or comfort (link). Or just to make up for a softer string when hybrid with a stiffer one like gut/poly.

Even when only a single string is used, some players or stringers like to add a few pounds on tie-off strings to keep it tight.

Another common variant is proportional stringing (link). Yet another is the JET method pioneered by John Elliot (link).

But why? 

The main reason is to achieve different "effects" at different parts of the stringbed. 

So far, my playtest has given me very favourable results with many different variations. Not all were successful, and only some were posted here.

The same variables always come into play - comfort, power, control, spin, durability, etc. 

Rather than use two (or more) totally different strings, I found that it is much more effective to just use one type of string and let tension alter the playing characteristics at different parts of the stringbed.

If you have access to a stringing machine, or a stringer that is willing to accommodate your request, you should think through which aspect of your game can be helped through this innovative tensioning. 

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