Monday 8 December 2014

Frame Movements while Stringing

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Since I did not take any pics in my previous post (link), I snapped some while re-stringing my ProKennex Black Ace 98 with synthetic gut recently.

Below measurement was after the mains were done.

To reduce parallax error, some pics were taken from directly above the inside hoop. It spans from 1.0 cm to 26.1 cm, yielding an internal hoop width of 25.1 cm. Note the crosses were unfilled.

Here's how it looked after the crosses were completed. Racket still mounted.

From 1.0 cm to 25.4 cm, it's now 24.4 cm. The hoop narrowed 0.7 cm after the crosses were done.

The unstrung internal hoop width was 24.5 cm for this racket. So it's a 1 mm distortion.

As I mentioned in my previous post (link), my belief is no mounting would completely stop the frame from distorting. It serves more as a guide than "locking down" the hoop. 

Choosing an appropriate combination of strings, tension and stringing method should take greater emphasis.

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