Thursday, 17 December 2015

Budget Natural Gut

If natural gut could be made more affordable, then there would be much less arm injuries.

Maybe, more than half of the current string brands could also close down due to poor demand.

Other than price, there is nothing to hold anyone back from trying or using natural gut. That string alone is capable of elevating anyone's game. Natural gut excels in power, control, spin and comfort like no other.

That's why the lure of cheap gut is irresistible... (Thanks to Cullin Kin for sharing his review here)

As with most new strings, I like to weigh them and check the exact gauge. It's 14 grams for half a set of this budget natural gut. That's very heavy.

Although touted to be 16 gauge, it measured closer to 1.50mm. That's about 14L or 15 gauge! Thick!

The string felt much stiffer and coarser than all other natural guts I had tried. Whatever coating it had appeared very little and somewhat inconsistent. There were many "weak spots" where the gut had no coatings at all.

Coil memory was minimal. It just expanded apart when the cable tie was cut.

From the packing, the string was downright oily! Probably had as much oil as my breakfast bacon. Did they deep fry the natural gut before packing it?!?

Took a few pieces of tissue just to wipe off most of the oil. If not cleaned properly, it would wreck havoc on the string clamps and gripper later on during stringing.

Despite that, more oil seeped out from the string during tensioning. So it became - thread, wipe, tension, wipe, wipe...

Compared to any other natural guts, this had very little elongation during tensioning. It felt stiff, like a poly.

Most of the whitish spots in the close-up pic below were weak spots with almost zero coating. Just plain natural gut fibres twisted together. It held up well after tensioning though.

Strung as a gut/poly hybrid in a 16x19 frame at 52/48 lbs, it played terribly.

The stringbed responded ONLY to all out 100% full swings. Shots hit softer felt dead, stiff and boardy. Nothing like natural gut at all. It resembled dead full poly more than a fresh bed of gut/poly.

Giving it a benefit of doubt, my friend clobbered balls against the wall to see if the string would "break-in". But it remained dead, even after several hours of play over a few sessions.

So we moved on to try another pack that measured thinner although all were labelled as 16 gauge.

Gauge was inconsistent throughout that same piece of 6.5 metres half-set. Some parts measured 1.25mm, other area about 1.40mm.

Fortunately, this second pack was overall thinner than the first pack we tried. However, 16 gauge would mean about 1.30mm, or 1.32mm at most. This 1.40mm diameter would still put it squarely into the 15 gauge category. So gauge wise, it remained unacceptably inconsistent to me.

Using about 3 feet from the end, I pulled tensioned at 52 lbs, marked and measured the elongation and let it stay under tension for about 10 minutes. The creep, frequency and string diameter all behaved close to other natural guts I have used.

To ensure consistency with the first pack, this was strung in another identical frame, with the same poly cross, at the same tension and with the same tie-offs. Literally ceteris paribus.

Even during stringing, I could tell this would play much better. The string no longer resisted stretching like a poly. It was much softer and pliable.

However, the inconsistent gauge seemed to affect elongation slightly. Within the 8 centre mains, which are very close in length (due to the Yonex isometric head shape), the same amount of slack provided for near the string gripper DID NOT allow the tension arm to be as near parallel as it should.

Translated, this meant there would be "hot spots" on the stringbed that may be exceptionally lively and powerful. And there would be "dead spots" where the gut would yield less and have less power. All within just the centre 8 main strings.

The chap whom I strung this for, M, seemed to enjoy this setup very much. While the performance could not be rated similar to better guts, the price/performance ratio was good enough for him to consider converting to this setup. It all depends how long the playability would last.

Exactly what I meant when I mentioned the lure of cheap gut earlier.



  1. Unorthodox stringing, have you enter tried either of the following? If so, I'd be interested in hearing your comments on the results:

    1. A poly synthetic gut hybrid. Poly mains, but with a mixed poly/synthetic gut alternating on each cross.

    2. A poly stringbed but in a diagonal pattern?

    Sounds a bit weird, but you seem to like trying stuff out?

  2. Hi Gavin,

    Question (1)
    Yes, I recall trying something similar to try to soften the stringbed to add power, comfort and spin. But I cannot recall if I posted it on the blog.

    There are just too many experiments and I did not have the time to post everything.

    You can take a look at the tri-brids and quad-brids I attempted:

    Question (2)
    Stringing a diagonal pattern in a normal frame has been on my to-do list for very very long. Several years I think.

    But given the amount of time I now spend on one-to-one customizations mean that I have very little time left to write or post. Much less to pursue unorthodox practices.

    However, it remains on my "to try one day" list. Hopefully I'll get to doing it :)

    1. Thanks for replying and the links. I'll check it out in more detail as I'm going to have a go over Xmas (including a diagonal pattern) once I get hold of an old racquet!!

      Quick question though, is the different paint job in the link below done through hydrographics? ie water transfer?

    2. Sorry, meant the picture in your 3rd link (blue/purple racquet)

  3. Hi Gavin,

    Sorry I have no idea regarding the paintjob of the blue/purple racket. It was a Wilson Hammer 5.8 and the paintjob is stock. I didn't do any changes to it.

    If you have more questions, please email me instead of posting via the comments here. Just hoping to keep comments relevant to this specific post. Thanks!
